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A Change in plans

Sorry everyone for such a long time between updates, however I have a change of plans to what I am working on now. A few weeks ago, I...

DevLog 04 - Creating the MVP

Hello all. This work that has been completed on the game has been all about creating the mvp (minimal viable product) version of the...

DevLog 03 - Gameplay is born

A detailed look at the content added since the last devlog. This includes adding in enemy ai navigation and animations.

DevLog 1 - New Project

Over the last couple of months, I have been taking advantage of the current world situation to spend this time to properly learn c++ from...

The end of the project.

Well after a long 7 weeks of production, Infestation Z is complete and published. The game is now available on (...

Here comes the horde.

Since the last update there has been a lot of progress towards including content into the game. At this point I feel that I have got all...

A Strong Start

After about two weeks of development, I’d thought I would give an update as to the progress of the game so far. Overall the progression...

Innovation...within myself

Within the games industry there is a plethora of different game engines and coding languages that are being used to create a wide variety...

Blog: Blog2
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