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Engine: Unity 2019.1.14
Language: C#
Primary Role: Programming (Gameplay, Shaders, Particles)

Final Year VR Project (University - Group)

MixAdventures: Text
Mixadventures Logo.PNG



MIxAdventures was created as part of my final year project at university. This was conducted in a team of 6 (known as Overscroped during the project) which consisted of 3 programmers, 2 designs and 1 animator. The premise of the game (a VR alchemy game) given to us by Activate Studios. However, we designed (in conjunction with Activate Studios) the game and the mechanics. At the end of the year, the projected was taken over by Activate Studios.

MixAdventures: Image

Game Trailer

We were required to make a game trailer as part of the final year project in our course. You can view the trailer here.

MixAdventures: Video


View the games website by clicking the button below.

MixAdventures: Text


MixAdventures is a VR Alchemy game where the player has to make potions and use magic powers to keep elemental objects powered for as long as possible. Player's use the tools at their disposal to refine the ingredients that they are given and use these refined ingredients to create magical potions. These potions give the player to power to activate and keep the magical objects in the room powered. When the player starts the second phase, they will have to keep the object powered by shooting at it with the correct power when a target appears. The longer the player can last, the better score they will receive when time runs out.

Mixadventures 02.PNG
MixAdventures: Text


Throughout the production of the game, I contributed with a number of programmer-related items. One of the major aspects was programming the tutorial. The tutorial was designed using a queue system. This was done to ensure that the player will hear all the important information that they will need to play the game. The queue system works by having other scripts pass in a number (which relates to an specific audio clip) to the tutorial script which gets added to a list. The script then constantly runs through the list, playing the specific audio. For lesser important voice lines, a normal co-routing is run as long as a voice line isn't currently playing.

Mixadventure Pet Rock Tutorial.gif
MixAdventures: Text

Another of the key components that I worked on was the tools that the player uses. The hammer works by constantly calculating it's velocity, which the ingredient uses to determine whether it gets smashed or not. The transmuter activates when the player lets go of an ingredient within a trigger zone on the tool. It then uses a co-routine to control the timings of when particles appears and when the transmuter spawns the refined ingrediet. I also worked on the scripts that controlled the playing gaining their powers. This uses a script on the liquid particiles that is called when it comes into contact with a trigger to change an enum on the player to the new element.

MixAdventures: Image

Finally I contributed to a number of particles and shaders used in the game. I used Unity's Shuriken particle system to create all my effects. These include the explosive cloud that appears when players use the hammer and transmuter, the electric effects when transmuting an ingredient, the liquid and smashed effect from the potions, the spray of water from the waterfall and the electrical effects on the testla coil. The shaders that I made during the project were all done using Unity's Shader Graph. These included both the waterfall and the water pool at the bottom, as well as a shader that allowed for the water spray and falling potion liquid to use custom data to control the particles alpha over the lifetime of the particle.

MixAdventures: Gallery
MixAdventures: Text
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