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Space Drone Game

Engine: Unity 5.6
Language: C#
Primary Role: Programming (A.I.)

A.I Assignemnt (University - Solo)

Space Drone Game: Text


The focus of the assignment was to create A.I that moved around the map using boiding (flocking) behavior, used a bee algorithm to collect resources from the surrounding area and Predator/Prey algorithms to attack or flee from the player. This involved creating a finite state machine (FSM) utilizing an enumerator to which function ran during a specific behavior state. The basic functionality of the game and the assets inside were provided by the Uni to allow more focus be put on creating the A.I.

Space Drone Game: Image


Boid Behavior

The boid algorithm allowed drones within the scene to move around the map without colliding with each other. It also meant that attacking enemies move in groups without colliding nor separating too far. Using a number of variables will change how the drones react to others around them.

Space Drone Game: Text
Space Drone Game: Video
Space Drone Game: Image

Bee Algorithms

The Bee's algorithm was split into two parts. The scouting drones would search around the map, scanning for asteroids. If the drone found an asteroid that isn't known by the mothership, it will immediately return. Forager drones will go to known asteroids and collect resources from them. Drones assigned as Elite Forages would also scan around in a small area, looking for more asteroids to tell the mothership about.

Space Drone Game: Text
Space Drone Game: Gallery

Predator & Prey

When the player enters the map, the drones will go into attack mode. They will move towards a point that is in fornt of the player based on the player's movement vector. During the attack phase, the drones will be consistently calculating the strength of their attack force. This is calculated using a number of variables, most importantly the number of drones around it. If the drones decides it needs to flee, it will calculate a vector in the opposite direction to the player vector and move a safe distance away, before returning to the mothership to heal and reform a squad.

Space Drone Game: Text
Space Drone Game: Gallery
Space Drone Game: Text
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